we are two photographers and have been working together since 2010. usually we work in the fashion-and film business.
Mario Lotzin studied at the international fashion school "Esmod" in berlin, where he graduated with distinction as a fashion designer and stylist. he worked for many years in the haute couture sector. then he went into business for himself and designed costumes for filmproductions in israel, london, berlin and productions of the Variete "Wintergarten" and the "Bar jeder Vernuft", in berlin.
Uwe Friessner is a graduate of the Berlin Film and Television Academy. He worked for many years as a director and scriptwriter. He became famous through films like "Das Ende des Regenbogens", "Baby", "Der Druecker", and "Molle mit Korn". He has won several film awards, including the Bundesfilmpreis for "Das Ende des Regenbogens" and twice the "Adolf Grimme Preis".
we always design our photos around a small or big story. we take our inspiration from art, music, theatre, etc.
our photos are always staged. most of our work is created in our own studio. we have presented our photo works in 1 group exhibition and 3 solo exhibitions so far
2023 - new solo exhibition, titel: "Pandoras Box"
2019 - third solo exhibition, titel: " !Macht, Religion, Liebe?, thema: Sexualitaet und Religion
2018 - second solo exhibition, titel: "Furcht vor dem Verschwinden", thema: Tod, Vergaenglichkeit
2016 - first solo exhibition, titel: "In jedem Traum lauert ein Schmerz", thema: "Androgynitaet"
2015 - gemeinschaftsausstellung
here you can see more:
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